Monday, December 18, 2017


It's been a little while since I last posted. Life has truly been busy with the holidays and this whirlwind of a process called adoption. Since my last post, some truly amazing things have happened! We were matched with a beautiful baby boy! He is currently 13 months old and we hope to travel and get him before he turns 18 months! Praise God! 

After becoming matched, we waited a whole 69 days to get the first leg of the US Immigration approvals out of the way. The week after Thanksgiving, we finally received our Parental Immigration approval and about two weeks ago we sent of the paperwork for Baby G's immigration approval. They tell us that this application, the I-800, takes precedence and should be approved in less than 30 days! While we wait for Baby G's approval, we are having to update our home study and get psych evaluations done. At any point in time of an international adoption, the country you adopt from can and will change their rules and regulations. We just happened to experience that. A tragic event happened with a child that was adopted from India to US parents and now India is tightening up and they want all parents to have psychological evaluations included in their home studies. So I spent most of the day today calling around and trying to find someone who does this specific eval and haven't had much luck... praying for the favor of God for tomorrow as I continue to call around. Hoping for someone that can do it fast and for a reasonable price! We don't want any delays in bringing our boy home! 

Praise REPORT! We have recently received two grants!! TWO! Those grants are nearing us very close to being fully funded with our adoption agency. Then we will only have to save up the travel costs! PRAISE GOD! WOOHOO! He truly has provided for us every single step of the way... and to think, we almost didn't go through with adoption because of the price tag associated with it. Nothing is too big for our God! 

Please pray for us always, that our approvals and grants come through quickly and for our son, that the workers in his orphanage will be healthy enough to take care of him properly as we wait to bring him home. Pray also for the preparation of his heart and ours! Gotcha day is coming for the Sanders in 2018!