Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blessed Beyond Measure

This past week we were once again reminded about the goodness of our God and how he will continue to provide for us throughout the adoption process.

In the last post, I told you guys how my husband's students raised $1,072 for our adoption... well we have some pretty awesome news to update you on.

Since the kids video of their generosity was posted on Facebook, we have had not ONE.. but TWO people dollar for dollar match their donations... So the kids didn't just raise $1,072 ... their donation was tripled to $3,216!! Praise God through whom all blessings flow. He is mighty and he is letting us know that he is in control and he's got this. :)

We are so blessed and thankful for the donations that have been bestowed upon us and we are so excited to see God move throughout the rest of our adoption process!

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