Thursday, May 4, 2017

Adoption is NOT a consolation prize

The title of this one is intriguing, isn't it? Well this post is just to get some things out there. We currently have a lot of our friends having babies after dealing with years of infertility. This has in turn prompted a fair amount of people to ensure us that they are praying for us to have "our own, biological baby" or that we are going to be "next". First off, we greatly appreciate that you are praying for us and that you want that for us. But we want you to understand, that right now... in this very season of our life... a biological baby is not what we want. We want and were nudged ever so gently, several times by God, to choose this path. The path of international adoption. This path is hard, it is uncertain, and it absolutely not for the faint of heart. We have to be ready, and to be prayed up at all times. We have to have a gigantic amount of faith in our God that he is moving mountains on our behalf to bring our baby home.

We know that there are people who adopt due to infertility but at this stage in our life.. we want you to know, that adoption was and is our PLAN A. We know that it may be easy for you to assume that we can't have children, but we believe that we can. We are simply choosing to adopt at this point in time. We want you to know that our adopted child, will be OUR child. There is no distinction thanks to an awesome thing called love. If you are a christian, you would recall that Jesus himself was adopted by his earthly father, Joseph. Joseph loved him as his own and cared for him just like a biological child. God calls us his own through Christ. He has adopted us into his kingdom and we are his heirs and co-heirs in Christ (Romans 8:17). We are called to do the same thing by caring for waiting children today - whether they be in our own country or another. We are sharing that love of Christ throughout the nation and the greatest part is being able to take a child out of a bad situation and turn their life around for good. We are truly mimicking the work of Christ. We are doing his work; we are being his hands and feet. 

We would just like to empower you to show love and get excited for people you know that are adopting. We in the adoption community need your support just as much as the family that is pregnant with a biological child. Although you may not see a pregnant belly, we have the finger cuts of all the paperwork we have had to gather to prove to the US and India that we will be good parents. We are praying constantly for our child and we don't even know who they are yet. We pray for their family and for their birth. For their orphanage and for their growing little minds. We pray for them every. single. day. And while we may not know who they are yet, our heavenly father does and we trust that he is choosing the perfect child and timing for our family.

Please know that we love you, but we want you to understand that sometimes it does hurt a little that you can't recognize this joyous occasion for us or that you think we are less than the person having their own child. Because I assure you, our child, even though they may look different from us, will be our child in every sense of the way possible. We hope that you can understand this and get on board with us for the roller-coaster of a lifetime in bringing our baby home.

For those of you that are already on the ride with us, we thank you. Thank you for loving us and supporting us. You have no idea how much it means. It takes a village to bring home a baby, and we are so thrilled you are a part of our tribe! :)

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